It’s been just over a year since a crew, led by Jason McDaniel, rebuilt Amber Trucke’s bathroom which was famously destroyed by the sledgehammer-wielding contractor that built it.
The husband and wife contractor team had both been arrested and were awaiting trials. Here’s where things currently stand:
Jordan Cazares
The female half of the unfortunately named Dream Home Remodels of Colorado was originally charged with felony criminal mischief and burglary.
She has accepted a plea deal where she pled guilty to class 6 felony criminal mischief and has the opportunity to avoid any jail time.
Assuming she completes her probation successfully the guilty plea will be dropped from her record and her case dismissed.
Terry Gregory
Gregory also accepted a plea deal but his isn’t quite so simple.
According to a post by Trucke on her Facebook page, in addition to Gregory’s prior criminal record, he has had two incidents since the sledgehammer incident that the courts know about.
Both were for destroying property, one a neighbor and another was a former employee.
Serving 15 days in jail, community service, anger management classes, and permanent felonies on his record are among the consequences he will face.
Amber Trucke
According to Trucke, she has chosen not to pursue further action as she is thrilled with the bathroom that she ended up with and would like to move on from the incident.
For the contractors
It should be mentioned that violence and destruction are not appropriate ways of dealing with payment disputes.
Learn your lien laws for your state and make sure you get regular progress payments. Disputes can happen but there are legal ways to resolve them.
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