Recently, I asked a question in the Facebook group Global Tile Posse: Where do you put your cut(s) on a tub surround*?
- Small piece at the top
- Small piece at the bottom
- Split the cuts between top and bottom
The vast majority, 145 people (68.4%), at least say they split the cuts evenly between the top and bottom. No doubt, it’s hard to go wrong with centered and balanced.
Surprisingly (to me anyway), was that only 14 of us (6.6%) were putting the cut at the bottom.
I found it surprising because that’s where I’ve settled on as the best place to put the cut. After all, when you stand in the doorway there’s usually a curtain or enclosure and all you see is the top tile at the ceiling anyways.
Finally, 25% (54 votes) put the cut at the ceiling. Some commented that this put the full tile where it was most visible when someone is in the bathtub.
Agree? Disagree? And, why are 94% of you so wrong on this?
*Hypothetical scenario was 77 inches from tub to ceiling; 1 tile +grout joint = 12-inches; both tub and ceiling are out-of-level.
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